How to increase penis thickness

Penis size is determined by genetics and the concentration of testosterone in adolescent boys. Insufficient androgen production interferes with normal tissue development. Therefore, mature men may experience problems related to insufficient penis length or diameter.Many men want to know how to increase the diameter of their penisIn this regard, many representatives of stronger sexual desire want to know: How to increase the thickness of the penis? Experts in the field of andrology say it's much easier to increase the length of your penis than its girth. To lengthen the penis, special orthopedic devices (extenders, stretchers) and manual techniques aimed at stretching the tissues have been developed.Penile enlargement, in turn, can only occur due to tissue growth or an increase in the volume of cellular structures in the corpora cavernosa. From today's publication you will learn about the most effective massage techniques, manipulations and exercise equipment that help increase the size of the reproductive organs.

About Anatomy

Before increasing penile thickness, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms that help increase penile tissue volume. Without surgical intervention, it is possible to affect the parameters of the penis simply by artificially retaining large amounts of blood in tissues capable of supplying blood. These include the so-called corpus cavernosum, which is located on the axis of the reproductive organs.The corpora cavernosa (corpora cavernosa) is the structural unit of erectile tissue. They provide maximum blood supply to the penis during sexual arousal. During erection, the corpora cavernosa takes the form of elastic cylinders that can be felt on the sides of the reproductive organs. Due to swelling, a natural increase in the thickness of the penis can be observed.It may be possible to contribute to the thickening of the reproductive organ simply by increasing the volume of the microchambers that penetrate throughout the erectile tissue. This can only be achieved by artificially maintaining an erection for a long period of time. If you perform this procedure every day, this will subsequently cause the tunica albuginea to stretch, where the ridges that fill it with blood are located in the tunica albuginea. The corpora cavernosa will gradually grow due to the release of additional volume within the capsule.

Ways to make your penis thicker

Increasing the thickness of the penis is a long-term process that requires men to undergo regular physical therapy procedures and use massage techniques. To increase the girth of the penis shaft, you can use special exercises, mechanical devices (simulators) or undergo plastic surgery. The most common methods of correcting penis size include:
  • Jieerqing;
  • Yulia’s technology;
  • clamp;
  • pumping;
  • minimally invasive surgery (fat filling);
  • Muscle tissue transplantation.
Before increasing the diameter of the penis, it is recommended to consult a doctor. It should be understood that improper use of exercise equipment and massage techniques can lead to negative consequences, including erectile dysfunction.


Jelqing is a set of stretching exercises designed to increase the girth and length of the penis. One of the oldest methods of correcting penis size is recommended for novices: men who use only natural methods to enlarge their penis. Jelching is the simplest way to restore normal blood microcirculation in reproductive organ tissues. Typically, the "milking" technique is used in the preparation phase for more complex manual exercises.In order for your penis to really start growing, you need to practice according to certain rules:
  • Lubricate the penis shaft with massage oil or lubricant;
  • Grasp the base of the reproductive organs with your thumb and index finger (OK grip);
  • Gradually increase your grip and move your ring finger from the base to the head of the penis;
  • When the penis reaches a semi-erect state, it begins to "push" blood from the base of the penis to the end;
  • In one program you need to make at least 100 "passes", the duration of which should not exceed 2-3 seconds.
You cannot stretch the penis while 100% erect because the surface capillaries may rupture due to excessive pressure created in the tissue as the blood passes through the shaft of the reproductive organ.

Yulia's technology

Yulia's technique is a set of vascular exercises designed to stretch the corpora cavernosa of the reproductive organs. Before enlarging the penis through extreme exercise, it is recommended to perform jelqing exclusively for 2-3 months. Many times, beginners who ignore safety precautions get injured due to improper execution of Yulia's technique.In order to increase the size of the reproductive organs, during self-massage you need to perform the following exercises:
  • jelqing brings the penis to a semi-erect state;
  • When the grip is correct, try to "drive" as much blood as possible into the corpus cavernosum of the penis;
  • When the penis is completely filled with blood, try pushing it up toward the glans penis;
  • Strengthen your grip on the middle of the barrel and pause for 20-30 seconds;
  • Stretch the ring another 1-2 cm away from the finger and hold it in this position again for half a minute;
  • Once you reach the very tip of your penis, loosen your grip and perform a few relaxing jelqs.
important!Erection should not exceed 60-70% during exercise.
If you exercise for 10-15 minutes every day, your penis circumference can increase by at least 1-1. 5 cm in 3 months. It is not recommended to exercise with pain as discomfort will be most noticeable. Usually a sign of tissue damage or rupture of surface capillaries.


The word "clamping" translated from English means fixing or clamping. It is not difficult to guess that the essence of clamping technology is to keep blood in the penile shaft for a long time. If you perform manual treatments at least 4-5 times a week, your penis diameter will increase by at least 1. 5 cm in just a few months.It should be understood that the size of the penis increases due to the stretching of the microscopic cells in the erectile tissue. In order to really increase your torso size and consolidate the results achieved, you need to follow these techniques and practice them at least 5 times a week for 2 months:
  • Jieerqing brought the penis to maximum erection and fixed an elastic bandage at its base;
  • Secure the bandage with an elastic cord or rubber band so it doesn't come loose;
  • Attach a metal clip to the very base of your genitals (it's best to buy a clip with plastic wings for easier tightening);
  • After squeezing the penis tissue, turn on the stopwatch and release the clamp after 1 minute to restore normal blood circulation to the penis.
important!Do not overtighten the clamp or you may damage blood vessels and soft tissue.
To increase the thickness of the penis, at least 3-4 procedures are performed in one surgery. After 10-14 days, it is recommended to increase the duration of an approach to 2 minutes. Increases in penis size will become noticeable after just a few sessions. However, experts recommend not increasing the duration of the approach by more than 5 minutes. Poor circulation to the reproductive organs can lead to tissue death and erectile dysfunction.

Vacuum pump

A vacuum pump is an enlarging vacuum constriction device that can be used to painlessly and quickly increase the diameter of the penis. The simulator consists of a cylindrical plastic flask and a vacuum pump. During class, place the flask on your penis and press firmly against your pubic bone. Afterwards, use a pump to remove the air.Vacuum pump increases penis thickness quickly and effectivelyPenis enlargement is achieved by creating an area of low air pressure around the penis, which increases blood flow to the penis. Increased tissue blood pressure causes the microcavities of the corpus cavernosum to stretch, resulting in an increase in penile width of at least 1. 5-2 cm.Vacuum pumps are often used to permanently correct the size of the penis before intercourse. To achieve lasting penis enlargement, you need to use the exercise machine regularly for six months.Techniques for using vacuum shrinkage devices:
  • Insert the non-erected penis into the opening of the cylinder;
  • Press the pump firmly against your pubic bone;
  • Use a mechanical bulb or electric pump to remove air from the unit;
  • Once erect, lower the flask;
  • After 15-20 minutes, turn the check valve to allow air to enter the cylinder and remove the pump.
People with cardiovascular disease should not use vacuum pumps.If you are stretching your penis to increase its size, remember that one procedure should not last more than 20 minutes. Stagnation of blood in the soft tissues causes the reproductive organs to darken and form lymphatic compression on their surfaces.


Surgery is one of the fastest ways to increase penis diameter. To make the penis thicker, minimally invasive surgery can be performed, such as hyaluronic acid injections or lipofilling. During the procedure, the patient's own special gel or lipid tissue is injected into the subcutaneous layer of the reproductive organs. The disadvantage of this type of surgery is the short duration of its effects. Practice shows that hyaluronic acid and lipid tissue are absorbed within a year, resulting in a reduction in the circumference of the reproductive organs.The introduction of synthetic materials under the skin results in complications including erectile dysfunction and penile skin necrosis in 5% of cases.The most effective method is considered to be to thicken the penis through microsurgery, during which the surgeon transfers part of the muscle tissue from another part of the body (calf, gluteal muscles) to the penis. It should be understood that surgical intervention does not guarantee 100% of the desired results. Therefore, before deciding to undergo phalloplasty, it is recommended to try more gentle methods of penis enlargement.